Edufor exists for Education professionals.

Our mission is to amplify your passion and purpose through thoughtful technology solutions.

We believe that education professionals should have access to the right tools they need to do their best work. Tools that help plug the gaps in workflow, remove unnecessary administration tasks that could easily be automated, and create the conditions for education professionals to serve their community more effectively.

We understand that technology has pros and cons. It can be a source of frustration or be utilised to create streamlined processes and approaches to our daily work and lives. We want satisfied clients who benefit from carefully considered technology development, and feel the joy of tools that just work.

Flip the cards to learn more about our services!

Tools & Automation

The tools you need to make your job easier. Automation to free you from repetitive processes.

Unnecessary tasks that can otherwise be automated, put simply, should be. We create simple, thoughtful and effective web based tools that you focus on the core business of Education.

Websites & Portals

A website that is easy to use and accessible to all. The outreach you need to maximise your impact in community.

Create a web app or portal that is tailored to your school's needs. For example a Teaching Forum, a Parent Portal, a School Survey, or a new website for your entire community.

Reports & Integration

The glue to make your systems work together, and the insights to make data informed decisions.

We understand that schools have various systems that need to work together and don't always. We can help you integrate your systems and create reports that support you in your daily work.

Web interfaceWeb accessible with a simple to use interface.
User ManagementUsers are able to login and have different roles.
HostingWe can host the service for you if needed.
Content DevelopmentBuild education first content for your school or special project.
Business Process AnalysisReview your school's process to integrate and automate.
Data CollectionDesign and operate custom surveys for data collection.
Data TransformationFormat and transform data for integration or visualisation.
Data VisualizationBuild web based reports and dashboards for your school.

Experience technology that is intuitive, risk-free and rewarding.

Connect with us to learn more about how we can help you.