1. Capture
  2. Demographic Data

Capture Survey: Demographic Data

Understanding demographics is crucial for interpreting survey findings accurately and making informed decisions based on the data collected.

The demographics section of the Capture Survey provides insights into the characteristics of the surveyed population.

Understanding these demographic characteristics is crucial for leadership teams to tailor strategies, policies, and initiatives to meet the needs and preferences of different segments within the surveyed population.

The analysis of the demographic data helps to make informed decisions and design targeted interventions to address specific challenges or capitalise on opportunities within and across the workforce.

Highest Qualification

Year 12150 (18.8%)Cert III/IV250 (31.3%)Ba. Degree200 (25.0%)Grad Diploma/Cert150 (18.8%)Advanced Diploma25 (3.1%)Masters20 (2.5%)Phd5 (0.6%)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Aboriginal100 (12.5%)Torres Strait Islander50 (6.3%)Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander50 (6.3%)Neither200 (25.0%)Prefer not to say400 (50.0%)

Employment Status

Studying50 (6.3%)Casual100 (12.5%)Part-time150 (18.8%)Full-time450 (56.3%)Voluntary50 (6.3%)

Commute Time

<= 15 mins50 (6.3%)16-25 mins250 (31.3%)26-35 mins250 (31.3%)36-45 mins200 (25.0%)> 45 mins50 (6.3%)

Work State

NSW150 (18.8%)VIC150 (18.8%)QLD150 (18.8%)SA150 (18.8%)WA50 (6.3%)TAS50 (6.3%)NT50 (6.3%)ACT50 (6.3%)

Years of Service

<= 2 years50 (6.3%)3-5 years200 (25.0%)6-10 years200 (25.0%)11-15 years200 (25.0%)16-25 years50 (6.3%)26-30 years50 (6.3%)> 30 years50 (6.3%)

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